

Generate replicates of the original data using either random sampling with replacement or simulation from the model.

Population parameter estimation, and eventually other tasks, are then performed for each replicate.


r <- bootmlx(project, nboot = 100, dataFolder = NULL, parametric = FALSE, tasks = NULL, settings = NULL) 


a Monolix project
number of bootstrat replicates (default= 100)
folder where the resampled datasets are stored (default = “bootstrap”)
TRUE/{FALSE} define if parametric bootstrap is performed (new data is drawn from the model) (default=FALSE),
vector of booleans defining the list of tasks to perform (default: estimation of the population parameters)
a list of optional settings


Create 5 replicates of the warfarin PK data and estimate the population parameters for each of them (default task)


project <- "projects/warfarinPK1.mlxtran"
r <- bootmlx(project, nboot=5)
## Generating data sets with initial data set resampling...
## Generating projects with bootstrap data sets...
## Project 1/5 => Population parameters already estimated 
## Project 2/5 => Population parameters already estimated 
## Project 3/5 => Population parameters already estimated 
## Project 4/5 => Population parameters already estimated 
## Project 5/5 => Population parameters already estimated
##      ka_pop    V_pop beta_V_lw70    Cl_pop  omega_ka    omega_V  omega_Cl
## 1 0.6796957 7.872126   0.8447279 0.1289886 0.8081876 0.14232733 0.2640929
## 2 0.6112755 7.936020   0.8874925 0.1312744 0.6889832 0.12377265 0.2537792
## 3 0.7748641 7.884424   0.8947202 0.1380933 0.6954659 0.11892899 0.2455916
## 4 0.9713527 7.752694   0.7346770 0.1338174 0.7629227 0.08323001 0.2809670
## 5 0.4512106 7.596022   0.9211596 0.1336010 0.7679203 0.09843714 0.2605302
##          a1         b1
## 1 0.5494918 0.06677322
## 2 0.5364289 0.07871889
## 3 0.3954033 0.09011620
## 4 0.3196283 0.10290321
## 5 0.6212709 0.08107421

A new directory “./projects/warfarinPK1/bootstrap/nonParametric” was automatically created with the 5 new data files, the 5 new Monolix projects and 5 new folders with the Monolix results:

##  [1] "data"                             "populationParameters.txt"        
##  [3] "warfarinPK1_bootstrap_1"          "warfarinPK1_bootstrap_1.mlxtran" 
##  [5] "warfarinPK1_bootstrap_10"         "warfarinPK1_bootstrap_10.mlxtran"
##  [7] "warfarinPK1_bootstrap_11"         "warfarinPK1_bootstrap_11.mlxtran"
##  [9] "warfarinPK1_bootstrap_12"         "warfarinPK1_bootstrap_12.mlxtran"
## [11] "warfarinPK1_bootstrap_13"         "warfarinPK1_bootstrap_13.mlxtran"
## [13] "warfarinPK1_bootstrap_14"         "warfarinPK1_bootstrap_14.mlxtran"
## [15] "warfarinPK1_bootstrap_15"         "warfarinPK1_bootstrap_15.mlxtran"
## [17] "warfarinPK1_bootstrap_16"         "warfarinPK1_bootstrap_16.mlxtran"
## [19] "warfarinPK1_bootstrap_17"         "warfarinPK1_bootstrap_17.mlxtran"
## [21] "warfarinPK1_bootstrap_18"         "warfarinPK1_bootstrap_18.mlxtran"
## [23] "warfarinPK1_bootstrap_19"         "warfarinPK1_bootstrap_19.mlxtran"
## [25] "warfarinPK1_bootstrap_2"          "warfarinPK1_bootstrap_2.mlxtran" 
## [27] "warfarinPK1_bootstrap_20"         "warfarinPK1_bootstrap_20.mlxtran"
## [29] "warfarinPK1_bootstrap_3"          "warfarinPK1_bootstrap_3.mlxtran" 
## [31] "warfarinPK1_bootstrap_4"          "warfarinPK1_bootstrap_4.mlxtran" 
## [33] "warfarinPK1_bootstrap_5"          "warfarinPK1_bootstrap_5.mlxtran" 
## [35] "warfarinPK1_bootstrap_6"          "warfarinPK1_bootstrap_6.mlxtran" 
## [37] "warfarinPK1_bootstrap_7"          "warfarinPK1_bootstrap_7.mlxtran" 
## [39] "warfarinPK1_bootstrap_8"          "warfarinPK1_bootstrap_8.mlxtran" 
## [41] "warfarinPK1_bootstrap_9"          "warfarinPK1_bootstrap_9.mlxtran"

Add 2 replicates and plot the distribution of the estimated population parameters

r <- bootmlx(project, nboot=7, settings=list(plot=TRUE))
## Generating data sets with initial data set resampling...
## Generating projects with bootstrap data sets...
## Project 1/7 => Population parameters already estimated 
## Project 2/7 => Population parameters already estimated 
## Project 3/7 => Population parameters already estimated 
## Project 4/7 => Population parameters already estimated 
## Project 5/7 => Population parameters already estimated 
## Project 6/7 => Population parameters already estimated 
## Project 7/7 => Population parameters already estimated

Estimate the standard errors for each replicate

r <- bootmlx(project, nboot=7, tasks=c(standardErrorEstimation=TRUE))
## Generating data sets with initial data set resampling...
## Generating projects with bootstrap data sets...
## Project 1/7 => Running the missing tasks 
## Project 2/7 => Running the missing tasks 
## Project 3/7 => Running the missing tasks 
## Project 4/7 => Running the missing tasks 
## Project 5/7 => Running the missing tasks 
## Project 6/7 => Running the missing tasks 
## Project 7/7 => Running the missing tasks

Keep the original proportion of males and females

r <- bootmlx(project,  nboot = 5, settings = list(covStrat = "sex", newResampling=TRUE))
## Clearing all previous results and projectsGenerating data sets with initial data set resampling...
## Generating projects with bootstrap data sets...
## Project 1/5 => Estimating the population parameters 
## Project 2/5 => Estimating the population parameters 
## Project 3/5 => Estimating the population parameters 
## Project 4/5 => Estimating the population parameters 
## Project 5/5 => Estimating the population parameters

Generate data files with 100 individuals instead of 32 as in the original data file

r <- bootmlx(project,  nboot = 5, settings = list(N=100, newResampling=TRUE))
## Clearing all previous results and projectsGenerating data sets with initial data set resampling...
## Generating projects with bootstrap data sets...
## Project 1/5 => Estimating the population parameters 
## Project 2/5 => Estimating the population parameters 
## Project 3/5 => Estimating the population parameters 
## Project 4/5 => Estimating the population parameters 
## Project 5/5 => Estimating the population parameters

Use new datasets generated using parametric bootstrap

r <- bootmlx(project, nboot=4, parametric=TRUE)
## Generating data sets with initial data set resampling...
## Generating projects with bootstrap data sets...
## Project 1/4 => Population parameters already estimated 
## Project 2/4 => Population parameters already estimated 
## Project 3/4 => Population parameters already estimated 
## Project 4/4 => Population parameters already estimated