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List of reporting keywords

This page provides a list of placeholders for project settings that can be used in report templates for Monolix projects.

Keyword Description Possible values
%SAEM_nbBurningIterations% Number of iterations in the burn-in phase. a number
%SAEM_nbExploratoryIterations% If “exploratoryAutoStop” is set to FALSE, it is the number of iterations in the exploratory phase. Else, if “exploratoryAutoStop” is set to TRUE, it is the maximum of iterations in the exploratory phase. a number
%SAEM_exploratoryAutoStop% Whether exploratory autostop was used. used / not used
%SAEM_exploratoryInterval% Minimum number of interation in the exploratory phase. a number
%SAEM_nbSmoothingIterations% If “smoothingAutoStop” is set to FALSE, it is the number of iterations in the smoothing phase. Else, if “smoothingAutoStop” is set to TRUE, it is the maximum of iterations in the smoothing phase. a number
%SAEM_smoothingAutoStop% Whether smoothing autostop was used. used / not used
%SAEM_smoothingInterval% Minimum number of interation in the smoothing phase. Used only if “smoothingAutoStop” is TRUE. a number
%SAEM_simulatedAnnealing% Whether simulated annealing was used. used / not used
%SAEM_decreasingRateResError% Simulated annealing decreasing rate for the variance of the residual errors. a number
%SAEM_decreasingRateIndivParam% Simulated annealing decreasing rate for the variance of the individual parameters. a number
%SAEM_withoutVariabilityMethod% Method for parameters without variability. variability at first stage / decreasing variability / no variability
%CondDist_nbMaxIterations% Maximum number of iterations for conditional distribution sampling. a number
%CondDist_nbSimulatedParameters% Number of samples from the conditional distribution per individual. a number
%CondDist_intervalLength% Interval length for MCMC convergence assessment. a number
%CondDist_relIntervalWidth% Relative interval width for MCMC convergence assessment. a number
%EBEs_nbMaxIterations% Maximum number of optimization iterations for EBEs task. a number
%EBEs_optimizationTolerance% Optimization tolerance for EBEs task. a number
%SE_nbMaxIterations% Maximum number of optimization iterations for Standard Errors task. a number
%SE_nbMinIterations% Minimum number of optimization iterations for Standard Errors task. a number
%LL_nbFixedIterations% Monte Carlo size for the LL task. a number
%LL_degreesFreedom% Degrees of freedom of the t-distribution. 5 (fixed) or 1, 2, 5, 10 (optimized)
%Global_seed% Seed used in the project. a number
%MCMC_transitionKernels% Number of calls for each one of the three MCMC kernels. number-number-number (e.g., 2-2-2)
%MCMC_acceptanceRatio% Target acceptance ratio for MCMC. a number
%MCMC_nbChains% Computed number of chains if not automatically set. a number
%MCMC_minIndivForChains% Minimum number of individuals for chains if automatically set. a number
%TotalNbSubjects% Total number of subjects in the data set (all observation ids together). a number
%TotalNbSubjectsOcc% Total number of subjects-occasions in the dataset (all observation ids together). a number
%AvgNbDosesPerSubject% Average number of doses per subject (any administration id, any occasion, all observation ids). a number
%TotalNbObservations% Total number of observations in the data set. if one obs id, number, if several obs id, PK: xx, PD: xx
%AvgNbObservationsPerID% Average number of observations per id (all occasions together). if one obs id, number, if several obs id, PK: xx, PD: xx
%MinNbObservationsPerID% Minimum number of observations per id (all occasions together). if one obs id, number, if several obs id, PK: xx, PD: xx
%MaxNbObservationsPerID% Maximum number of observations per id (all occasions together). if one obs id, number, if several obs id, PK: xx, PD: xx
%PercentCensoredObservations% Percentage of censored observations. if one obs id, number, if several obs id, PK: xx, PD: xx
%StructModelCode% Mlxtran code for the structural model. whole structural model file content, as shown in the Structural model tab
%reportGenerationDateTime(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)% Report generation date and time. Part of yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss can be removed or reordered. yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
%system% Operating system on which report was generated. Linux, macOS, Windows
%version% Version of Monolix with which report was generated. 2023R1
%project_fileName% File name of the project (without path). Example:
%project_filePath% File path of the project. Example:
%data_fileName% File name of the data set (without path). Example: